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RE: Ecency waves Dec 07

in #waves4 months ago

i just bought a 20,000 Itel powerbank to assist with my bloging life on #hive ....atleast i dont have to worry about a dead battery or power outage AGAIN😁🙌



Great!!! 👍

Thankyou very much

This is lovely.

I forgot my charger at home and left for work m only for me to get to work and notice my phone was on 1 percent.
And I didn't go along with my power bank either.

Thank God for good interpersonal relationship with the Nurse on duty, I was able to use his own charger to charge my phone up till over 90%

Yaaaaayyy 😅

Congratulations 🎉 I hope that it will serve you well.

Definitely .....😄😄😄...thanks dear

congratulations, nice power bank.

Yah, thankyou very much

Congratulations to you

Those power banks are super convenient, nice pick up!