
Save your post draft and try to re login the app also check if app update is pending.

ok I try

You may have used too many tags? Do you have more than 10?

Dear Actually I am trying to post but the publish option was not enable.

I reduced tags but still, I was not able to post

The publish button will not be available if tags are incorrect. Maybe delete all tags and add them again?

Can you show in screenshots all tags? Maybe some of them are wrong

No the tags and title were correct.

It is weird and unclear what might be blocking publishing… can you try saving it in drafts and open from same draft and see if it works?

I also checked it.
But It did not work

We just checked your draft, you indeed have more than 10 tags one of the reason it didn't work. Please remove couple tags, Publish should work.

I am still not been able to publish my posts using ecency mobile app.
I am helpless now

Now you don't have Title, that's why?!