Promote is a great way to allow more people to see your post. Always promote your best posts. Your post goes into a que that rotates as a promoted post and shows in the feed to other Ecencials.
To see your post in the que go to
If the que is long you may have to refresh a few times to see yours.
Your post appears like this on other ecency users wall and search results. With this feature, you can reach a wider audience.
It means the post is promoted for everyone to see for the number of days you select.
It means more upvotes and more money if the post is good enough.
Promote is a great way to allow more people to see your post. Always promote your best posts. Your post goes into a que that rotates as a promoted post and shows in the feed to other Ecencials.
To see your post in the que go to
If the que is long you may have to refresh a few times to see yours.