
Yeah, I don’t give the new stuff a fair chance either really. I feel like I’m so busy that when I have time to watch something I automatically go for what I know I’ll like… 🤷🏾‍♂️

That's the thing, it's like a fear of wasting time watching something new that could end up to be crap.

There's one I never stop watching, every time I finish I start again on season 1, it's my favorite TV show ever : Friends 🤩👌.
But I also watch new ones if they catch my attention.

Friends is one of those sort of shows!

I watch Arrested Development, Peep Show, and It's Always Sunny, plus a couple others.

I hardly watch any TV or streaming 🫣 Apart from Ted Lasso. 😜

I've never actually seen Ted Lasso, I just looked it up and based on the synopsis it sounds funny.

It is a very good series indeed. Fun but also with good learnings for life.

I don't rewatch much. I have enough interesting new stuff to keep me going.