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RE: Ecency waves Mar 16

in #wavesyesterday

Well making friends on #ecency is a good idea or not? I have seen in various other platforms like #inleo where its hard-to-find friends; everyone is busy posting and they forget that it's a community, not a competition.


I appreciate every single one of my Ecencial friends!

It's hard to find a friend as most users look for followers rather. I usually post on inleo frontend and I have some friend there too. It's all Hive so you can find friend anywhere.

Making friends is not hard but you have to be of friemdly mindset

I'll be your friend

#Inleo is a different Tribe than #Ecency

For me it's a good idea.. you just keep the flow with those who are interested

It doesn’t feel like a competition here to me. If you support each other in the process of growing, then you have an uplifting community