Spring is welcomed! My avocado tree is flowering this year. So I'll have big ones all thru July till Oct. Will show you pics later.
Spring is welcomed! My avocado tree is flowering this year. So I'll have big ones all thru July till Oct. Will show you pics later.
How amazing! Do you live in South America?
Sure. Cuba is my country. Big Hive community here.
Oh lovely! I know now. Muchas gracias por ser mi amigo.
It's going to be a bountiful harvest
I give away lots to family and friends. It's crazy how many one tree can give you.
That's a beautiful thing you do. Honestly nature is truly beautiful from a seed,to a tree and producing so much
Nature is great.
Yes it is
Avocado is the best fruit you can have
Oh you must be so pleased. Nothing so wonderful as growing your own food
Sure, I have more in my small backyard. Gardening is a hobby. I feel so free.
I enjoyed it that much today. I know what you feel, free and fresh air. And so calm
Thanks Nat.