
Check your email. Hope that helps a little

:O wow my friend, I owe you a lot, this is a good help.

I don't even know what to tell you!

I don't know if thank you is enough, you make me cry =(


Us old folks have to stick together! All you owe me is a smile.

thankyou very much, i really need to hug you my partner! <3 YOU ARE AWESOME!

FreeCompliments will come through for you. Sleep well tonight knowing you have friends.

Thank you, my dear Melinda, I was already talking a little with him and explaining the matter to him in more detail. T

hank you, at least I don't feel alone facing this problem, you are my family, I apologize for being a burden to you =( I love you.

You are a friend, and friends are never burdens! Hope you can get some relief from financial worries.