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RE: Ecency waves Jan 02

in #waves3 months ago

My favorite Waves are the ones that are chatty or sharing your own photos. I am not a fan of post promotion Waves and seldom click on links.
Which Waves do you like best?


Chatty wave sounds a lot more fun.

I like to share my own photos and tell about that. So, I also like that type of waves. 😊

Same here

Chatty 🥰
And I appreciate it more when you reply to comments too.

I also like ones with pictures.
And a post promotion link about a contest.

I like all waves

I like the waves so much, that it is hard to say I don’t like one 😉

You are right, those are exactly the waves i like. Good morning.

Good Morning Ma'am, I like photos and some description of it at Wave 🌊.