
Definitely difficult.
Gotta do your best to keep looking forward and live in the moment without looking back too much

That’s the code man. Really taking it one step at a time and it has really been life changing. These days I only do it if it’s important and holds a meaning to me. If I can’t put a purpose on it then it’s not just worth my time yet, maybe later, but not now.

once heard a story,one man was to go to outside,asked a wiseman for advice,got the reply.two words for your life,no hesitation,no,it's really a big issue for one to do things without hesitstion,either without regrets afterwards.

He indeed is a wise man. We now live in a world where you have to stand for something or die for nothing. Many choose the latter which is real sad if you ask me.

People follow their paths, you yours. Why the regret?

There are no regrets. Only more enemies or frenimies who think you’re on the wrong path and should follow theirs instead.

Just read on your blog and I know what you mean now. It’s the same here

Sounds like a boring life 😂

Bored asf man 😂😂😂😂

But it’s peaceful

At least 😂