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RE: Ecency waves Jan 10

in #waves9 months ago

Yeaaah that is quite cold

Where I grew up, which is not all that far from where I live now, the lowest temperature on record was -8.2°C — but that was just one day in 1976! It's doesn't usually get any colder than -1 or -2 for a couple of days in winter 😄


Haha I would change to that gladly. Fortunately, the hardest frost is already behind us. Just awaiting the spring :)

I am sure! It got to 30°C here today and 39°C is the forecast for tomorrow 🥵 I don't know how I would go living in Poland though with that sort of cold, probably not well. It would have to be a temporary visit with an end in sight 😂 That is fortunate, bring on your Spring! 🙂