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RE: Ecency waves Mar 24

in #waveslast year

We’ve a massive one near us that is something of a local landmark. If you ever travel down the M4 towards Swindon via Reading, you’ll see it at Green Park. Our village is a mile or two away from the motorway but climb a hill and you’ll see it from a distance.


There's a set of bigger ones further north. Those and the solar panels around here must generate a lot of power.

We’ve just been for a walk along the ridge as we call it that looks down on the Thames Valley and took a photo as we were talking about it. I’d say it’s a good two miles from where I was standing, it’s a huge one and it powers much of the area around it. Also lots of investment locally into solar farms which we do benefit from, though it’s not so simple to measure it, it just goes into the grid to serve the whole region I guess.