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RE: Ecency waves Feb 06

in #waveslast month

Thanks for asking.
Butterflies are part of arthropods that have a very beautiful colorful wing display. In my childhood there was a famous song that sing “eggs, caterpillars, cocoons, butterflies, poor you” it turns out that the butterfly's life cycle sounds short but it's not that short.
They have a perfect metamorphosis. They start their life cycle from an egg that struggles to live from external disturbances, then hatch into a caterpillar for some time, then into a chrysalis or pupa and then into a perfectly shaped butterfly with beautiful wings. In addition to their beautiful appearance, in an ecosystem butterflies have a very important role. Butterflies help pollinate flowering plants naturally.
But unfortunately, they don't live that long. They only live for about 15 to 30 days. They have their own symbol of beauty.
Thank you🦋


Wow, thank you for the great description

I'm a fan of them😀