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RE: Ecency waves Mar 18

in #waveslast year (edited)

This same person did a video criticizing China, had all these hashtags you would think would be censored if the Chinese government was trying to censor that, and it got his usual high number of views.
Add to this, he played a recording of some Israeli official saying that "we don't have a left-right problem (as in, who believes their propaganda or not), we have a young-old problem." and how they needed to do something about it immediately. All the pols who were a part of the TikTok ban got lots of money from AIPAC (Israel lobbying group).
And finally, if they cared about our data being stolen, they would make across the board social media regulation, not ban one specific app.
Where are we getting the most videos from Palestine? TikTok. Where are there more young people? TikTok.
I have to agree with the guy, it seems like the likely real reason to me.I saw someone make a video saying it is really about Palestine, because when they posted a video with #freepalestine they only got like 25k views, but when they posted the same video without the hashtag, they got almost half a million.


Yes, you have a great point here.
Mine is, the US just want to be in control of all user data, not the Chinese tech company. They just don't like the Chinese overseeing their affairs. It's total business bullying. What if the whole world decide not to do business with the US today?
Take for instance, some African countries have revoked their military cooperations with the US army.
Scammers on the other hand have coined better means of getting clients from the US citizens.
It's just getting bad everyday on the US.
They should find the best way of resolving their crisis and not fighting their competitors.
Well, time shall tell.
Thanks for your opinion

That is true too, they banned all Huawei brands because they said they would spy on us, meanwhile, every US company is spying on us...