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RE: Ecency waves May 24

in #waves10 months ago

I assume you are feeding them? Beyond that, I would get down low, like sit on the ground, and slooooowly blink your eyes at them. The slow blink is a sign of trust. If they slow blink back, they are trusting you.
Let them smell something of yours without you being too close. Set your shoes where they can smell them off your feet. If they will come somewhat close, if you wear glasses, let them smell the arms of the glasses - hold them out to them to sniff. This way they can get used to your smells without you being threateningly close, hovering over them.
Good luck!!


Thank you for your advice. Yes, we are feeding him and I play with him every day. I'll put something like my shoes outside for him and offer him my sunglasses to smell too. Un beso.