
What do you mean you haven't? You've never read a fictional novel?

Buy mine and read it 🌚

Which languages is this ??

You mean the name "Otagburuagu", right? It is Igbo, a Nigerian language. But the entire book is written in English, though 😊

What is stopping you doing it?

You can read books for free in the library.

You can also download e-books for free from certain websites.

I am a slow reader .so I prefer to watch series instead 😞

Worth to read books. Even if you are a slow reader. Good books are much better than TV series and than movies.

"it doesn't matter if you finish last so long as you finish."

You're not going to get faster at reading by not reading.

Your "want" must be not coinciding with actions. Many say they want to learn something new but thn spend their time watching memes, and videos for that dopamine hit