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RE: Ecency waves Feb 08

in #waves5 days ago

Among the lush green leaves, there was a tiny beetle who was trying to live out his destiny.


Oh I love those 🥰

Thank you🥰

So beautiful.
The colour stands out🥰

Thank you🥰

You are welcome

She might have been spotting food on the leaves. This is an incridible moment captured by you.

Yes, it's true, he's enjoying the leaf he's perched on.

That bettle has eaten a lot of part's from the leaf, it seems that spots was the second place he started eating. But will that leaf survive those bite?

usually all that remains is the leaf reinforcement.

Nice shot it has a beautiful color

Thank you buddy

You are welcome

Also known as a Ladybird

Yes, right

Ladybug, Ladybug fly away home...... Children's rhyme

Your house is on fire and your children are gone......

Beautiful picture. Nice shot 😍

Thank you buddy♥️