
I just want to say my weekend activity😊 We can open a new way to earn money. From last year #Hive is a good option for me but I need add new way to win money. For that reason I start to search about online salling. Like #amazon or #etsy

I'm not native in English :) What do I know. I'm a bit older. My niece is 17 and she draws some avatars or something out of anim, and she sells it in online shops, and she's doing quite well.

I mean, she doesn't have her own shop, but she sells in different shops in this niche market. She is basically an author. Now, what you want to sell I don't know.

I have not decide yet what I sell. I just thinking. Congrats for your niece👏🏼

Well, depends on you: Are you an author/content creator/whatever or do you just want to resell things?