The game rules are very easy. The hard part is imagining the “lines” where a piece could be taken.
You start off with a side, either black or white.
In tournaments, white goes first but people can flip a coin for fairness.
The most important piece is the King. He can only move one square, but in any direction.
He cannot move into “check”. A check is where the King could possibly be taken.
If the King can be taken, you have to say “check”. Your next move has to move the King out of check. If the King cannot move, this is called “Check Mate” and the game is over.
The second most important piece is the Queen. She can go anywhere as long as it’s a straight line or diagonal. She’s very dangerous.
Then there are the Bishops. They can only move diagonally, but any distance.
Then there are the Knights (horses). They can only move in an L shape. 1 square forward then 2 squares either left or right OR 2 squares forward and 1 square left or right.
Then there are the Rooms or Castles. They can only move in straight lines but not diagonal.
These are along the back row.
Along the front row are the Pawns. These are considered expendable mostly. They can only move 1 square forward, except at the beginning where they can move 2 squares if you choose to.
If a pawn reaches the other side of the board, the pawn can be exchanged for any other piece, usually a Queen.
This can be a real game changer.
I hope this helps.
Thank you so much, this was very helpful 😊
Have a nice day 💞