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RE: Ecency waves Feb 07

in #waves9 months ago

Wow friend it seems you know quite a lot. And wait did you just say Humans can actually live forever. ..... Wow I always wanted to meet a believer in immortality.

So what's the pitch on how to live forever though because I would definitely love to


Well ... Did i say live forever? It kinda depends on what you choose to believe, or choose to hold a strong conviction about. Yes, i think it could be possible if one lived a pure life, in the state of yoga, fighting the good fight to help awaken all beings. A Bodhisattva.

Yet this is all still part of the dream of life. If one does not finally let go of that one remaining thread which grounds us to the earth, a tiny attachment to ego, then the body and the world remains in duality.

One has to choose to die to the ego & therefore the body to experience eternal life, as One.

Sat Nam

Wait can I ask a question, Has it ever been done before? I'm very interested in this particular topic

Most masters choose to let go of the physical bodies, yet will appear when needed.

In The Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramhamsa Yogandaa speaks several time of his Guru Sri Yukteswar visiting him after Yukteswar had left the physical body.

And, i guess after 800 years or so Noah decided to leave his physical body.

One thing to real-eyes is that Yes & No are relative only in duality, which is not real reality (Unity). The mind is part of duality, so cannot compute non-logical answers. This is where the choice of deciding to believe in something (for now), or not, comes in. And remaining open to all possibilities.

Does it mean what we believe is what happens?

More or less, yes.

i would say; what we think about most of the time is what we attract to us. The continuous thinking scribes those thoughts into the subconscious mind, which is where deep beliefs reside, and from where most of our actions spring.

And our actions determines how our life turns out. 🤔 Wow this thing is really real. Then I'm going to work my way to be eternal

i can suggest a couple of books to go deeper if you like (and send them as pdf's)

The Presence Process being one of them.

i imagine a game to dis-cover Utopia, with many different entrances (Cause Groups), so Players (who learn and earn as they play) can choose whatever they are most attracted to. By playing the game together in teams (using a particular consensus mechanism to make team decisions), teams are able to earn & raise funds for the Cause Group they have joined.