I believe that our souls/spirits are much too valuable to be wasted and they continue to exist on a level that may not be obvious to us. Ghosts? It depends on how you define the word.
I remember as a child, on one occasion, I ran more than 500 meters for having seen a ghost, product of a television adventure where a ghost called "the babujal" appeared, it turned out that a man disguised himself with a white sheet and took some chains, which he dropped, to scare us, because we would not let him watch the news on TV, a group of children gathered at 8:00 pm to play hide and seek and formed a big fuss. Hahaha I almost died of fright. It took me more than a week to accept that it was a joke in bad taste, from that neighbor who ignored the traumas that this could bring to the children who were there.
With time I discovered that scientifically these beings do not exist. And a little later, I began to practice the Christian faith and all these concepts were modified again. So for me, what we know as ghosts are spiritual beings. And although it sounds similar, the difference is huge, especially because ghosts, can be considered people who died and for some reason stayed in our world, under a spectral form. While a spiritual being is not of this world, and belong only to two realms, the celestial or the fallen. They are divided into two major groups, angels and demons.
I believe that God sends angels to protect me. In short, this is my belief and as a belief it is based on faith and not on science.
Wow, this is an detailed elaboration of your point and explanation. First and foremost, that guy that scared you guys as kids was just very insensitive.
Secondly indeed Science would pretty much discount the existence of Ghosts because Ghosts may not have consciousness since there would be no brain matter for that.
However Christianity believes this. I just wonder why some souls or spirits would still remain on earth after death
Personally, I do not believe that trapped souls exist. I do believe that we are eternal beings. That physical death is not the end. But it is, as I said a faith, a belief.
For other people ghosts exist and there are even those who claim to be able to contact them.
Hahahah I think this talk is piquing my interest, to write a fiction story.
Interesting this topic 🤔🤔🤔🤔.That's right my friend @skyehi, science cannot explain the existence of spiritual beings, where ghosts could be classified. For some souls that do not find rest, or for some reason, were trapped in the physical dimension, but with a spectral body. Anyway, it is simply a matter of beliefs.
I also think it depends on the definition of what ghosts is. In a real sense, I think ghost are fragments from the souls of the deceased and in that case, they do exist and can sometimes be seen with the naked eye.
From what I read, it's people that their spirit is not at rest.
Wow really, so does that mean they are aware and conscious
I think so 🤔
Eish wouldn't that be interesting
So interesting 😂😂
I believe that our souls/spirits are much too valuable to be wasted and they continue to exist on a level that may not be obvious to us. Ghosts? It depends on how you define the word.
Wow indeed, Ghost could then be a really real thing then😳😳
No, but I used to.
Really, what changed good friend
No. Hahaha.
I remember as a child, on one occasion, I ran more than 500 meters for having seen a ghost, product of a television adventure where a ghost called "the babujal" appeared, it turned out that a man disguised himself with a white sheet and took some chains, which he dropped, to scare us, because we would not let him watch the news on TV, a group of children gathered at 8:00 pm to play hide and seek and formed a big fuss. Hahaha I almost died of fright. It took me more than a week to accept that it was a joke in bad taste, from that neighbor who ignored the traumas that this could bring to the children who were there.
With time I discovered that scientifically these beings do not exist. And a little later, I began to practice the Christian faith and all these concepts were modified again. So for me, what we know as ghosts are spiritual beings. And although it sounds similar, the difference is huge, especially because ghosts, can be considered people who died and for some reason stayed in our world, under a spectral form. While a spiritual being is not of this world, and belong only to two realms, the celestial or the fallen. They are divided into two major groups, angels and demons.
I believe that God sends angels to protect me. In short, this is my belief and as a belief it is based on faith and not on science.
Wow, this is an detailed elaboration of your point and explanation. First and foremost, that guy that scared you guys as kids was just very insensitive.
Secondly indeed Science would pretty much discount the existence of Ghosts because Ghosts may not have consciousness since there would be no brain matter for that.
However Christianity believes this. I just wonder why some souls or spirits would still remain on earth after death
Personally, I do not believe that trapped souls exist. I do believe that we are eternal beings. That physical death is not the end. But it is, as I said a faith, a belief.
For other people ghosts exist and there are even those who claim to be able to contact them.
Hahahah I think this talk is piquing my interest, to write a fiction story.
Interesting this topic 🤔🤔🤔🤔.That's right my friend @skyehi, science cannot explain the existence of spiritual beings, where ghosts could be classified. For some souls that do not find rest, or for some reason, were trapped in the physical dimension, but with a spectral body. Anyway, it is simply a matter of beliefs.
You should totally write the fiction story friend it will definitely be successful 👍🥰
I also think it depends on the definition of what ghosts is. In a real sense, I think ghost are fragments from the souls of the deceased and in that case, they do exist and can sometimes be seen with the naked eye.
Wait really, so at what point can it be seen with the naked eye because I don't want to be caught by surprise 😳
Lol, I think there isn't a logical explanation for that yet. Sometimes it just happens.
Oh wow, then to be honest I hope I don't experience it because I get very scared seeing weird stuff
A ghost is a spirit, it is not possible to see with the naked eyes unless it bears the physical body.
Whatsoever has a name exist. Ghost exist.
Deep answer bro👍
Yes it is
Yes! 😜