I found among my saved fabrics, the materials to make a cosplay 👀
Encontré entre mis telas guardadas, los materiales para hacer un cosplay 👀
I found among my saved fabrics, the materials to make a cosplay 👀
Encontré entre mis telas guardadas, los materiales para hacer un cosplay 👀
Wow, ok you can 👍😊
I have to do it! That fabric has been saved for a while haha 🤣
Great 👍😂😂
Best of luck dear.
Hehe thank you very much 😊 I will take advantage of the fact that my desire to sew is already returning 😌
Wish you good luck..
Thank you so much! I think it's a good way to practice sewing and get excited about going to an event with my suit 😌
Enjoy your day 😊
Would love to see the design:)
As soon as I do it I will upload the process on my blog 😌💚