Looking like my greenhouse is going to get its first test at holding up, 😂
Nasty storms ahead today! About to go lock the hens 🐔 up to keep them safe.
Guess it’s inside work for me today, haha. ⛈️
Looking like my greenhouse is going to get its first test at holding up, 😂
Nasty storms ahead today! About to go lock the hens 🐔 up to keep them safe.
Guess it’s inside work for me today, haha. ⛈️
Good luck.
I’ll be driving through last nights storm path on the way home to Texas.
Be safe brotha!
Hope your chickens dont fly away
Na, Ft. Chick is pretty secure. I have them locked up in the inner coop to keep them same from the storm. They aren’t too happy about it, but they’ll get over it, 😂
I think they understand once it get dangerous haha
Yep, I am more worried about my cheap greenhouse I just put up this week. Today is going to be a good test of strength and if I put enough stakes in the ground, 😂
Na, Ft. Chick is pretty secure. I have them locked up in the inner coop to keep them same from the storm. They aren’t too happy about it, but they’ll get over it, 😂