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Indeed. On Hive, the concept of the internet social media being run primarily by bots has been halted while Facebook... well...

Hehe...well, we have lots of bots, but they're good bots, that do all sorts of useful things, but yeah, they're certainly not running the show! Facebook is a bot! A very bad bot! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Indeed. And these bots are community-controlled. If a bot misbehaves or someone makes a bot that misbehaves... it gets downvoted and muted.

For sure, I love our Hive bots! Yep, it generally works pretty well, too! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Yeah I think so too. All good. I mean... sometimes they break, they are run by members of Hive... its great. Nothing goes rogue and nothing can control all of Hive.

Indeed, because the whole network is run by Hivers things can be a bit unstable at times, but the Hive framework is brilliant, so I just roll with what comes. That's a huge, important thing right there, that nothing can go rogue, or take over the Blockchain! That's one big reason that I'm here! 😁 πŸ™ πŸ’š ✨ πŸ€™

Indeed. There is an infallible level of independence on the blockchain with the way that it is set up.