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RE: Ecency waves Sep 12

in #waveslast year

Dont get me wrong. I am not against Leo's ads as long as they are only on Leo. But I will have a problem if someone posts to Leothreads through Ecency or someone posts through PeakD and uses a hashtag that causes it to show on Leo. Then ads are shown on that content and the ad revenue is not then shared with the person who posted it through Ecency. That is just taking advantage of a users content without consent. It is essentially theft of a creators content for profit. Thats wrong whether it's Web3 principles or not.
IMO they are playing with fire that could potentially burn both them and new users that they claim to be so interested in bringing in.
Thats what I am most concerned with and nobody can or are willing to address it.
Blurt is as boring as Steemit.


Blurt is whiny by design 😆 I like the idea that hive should move it’s energy to growing a good variety of front ends with different priorities and designs, although I think we need the success of 2-3 more apps to bring in more hive users before anything can really succeed. A project is gonna need a shit ton of money and resources unless they can rely on a growing user base
