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RE: Ecency waves Dec 11

in #waves3 months ago

Some of my real life friends say that I should not invest on a platform, where most posts are ignored/overlooked.

They also see what is going on.

I still invest in Hive and in Hive Dollars (HBD) mostly to build passive income.


They don't want to join hive.
So, they can interact?

Some of them do not even have internet connection.

They say that the internet is a source of stress.

Honestly, often they are right.

By the way, they live in the cave/tent living community for many years.

That's interesting.

I can relate to Internet connection, it gets better today and worsens tomorrow.

Just wondering, why are you still here if all you do is basically complain about Hive?

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm kicking you out, because I like you, but if you want more interactions, you should create more varied content and also interact with other people's content instead of just complaining.

Only you and a few other people interpret my comments as a complaint about Hive.

What I am actually complaining about is the approach of most of the users of this platform.

Not about Hive.

Hive is a technically revolutionary platform, but it is socially ruined and doomed by most of its users by their wrong approach towards the platform.

If all I would do is complaining about Hive, then I would not have invested more than $1000 USD into the platform.

Well, you're right on that, but instead of just complain about that, you should focus on start to do things differently so people starts to engage with your content.

The more you engage with others, the more others engages with you.

You can't just sit there and wait for things to happen you need to make things happen.

On a socially properly working social network, you do not need to engage with others to receive real, genuine comments on your own posts.

Especially not with unique content. For example with amateur radio related posts, or with predatory birds related content.

They will even encourage you to post more often.

They will ask how are you, how the things are going, if you have help. They write useful/helpful tips, they always answer your questions.

Because people actually care about the content.

Unique content is naturally standing out on a socially properly working social network.

No one asks how much you engage with others. They are there actually for the content. They are actually interested in it.

And not in how much comments have you wrote under other people's posts today.

No one asks such a question on a socially properly working social network.

Do you explain to your friends that many people here enjoy interacting with positive people and ignore negativity?

Negative vibes tend to put people off. I get plenty of interaction and I've met quite a few of those people in 'real life'

There are dozens and hundreds of posts without comments, or only with bot comments, and even if you see people commenting, their comments are often bot-like, spam-like, visibly forced, because they do not actually have real interest in the content.

And nowadays this description fits appropriately the 90% of the Hive users.

There are a selected few people, who regularly receive good comments.

The rest is not, or very rarely.

Anyone, who look around, even if only for a few minutes, will see what is actually happening on this platform.

I've heard all this from you many times. So what are the answers? Are you friends going to join? They won't if you tell them it's that bad, but then it won't change. Your community could have a space here if you wanted. Sorry, but just complaining gets us nowhere and we already know the issues.


They looked around on their own.

And honestly speaking, honest people rather avoid fake positivity and fake, forced interactions.

You can call me "negative" as many times as you would like, but that will not change the fact that I am only honest, realistic, and write only the truth.

They should come on Hive and engage with your posts. We should all try to get some 'real life friends' on here. Isn't that what we do elsewhere? Make it fun.

Mostly we communicate personally.

And some of my friends do not even have internet connection.

They think that the internet is a source of stress.

Often they are right.

But of course there are many fun things too on the internet.
