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RE: Ecency waves Sep 02

in #waves6 months ago (edited)

A few days ago someone mentioned that he commented under my posts, and that I did not commented under his posts.

But this is not how a properly working social network function.

People write comments, because they actually care.

Not because other people commented under their posts, or expecting others to comment under their posts.

On a properly working social network, people comment under your posts (especially if they are unique), even if you do not write comments under other people's posts at all.


There are a lot of people, largely due to the monetization, who expect tit-for-tat here. This is one of the reasons, imo, we don't have very many users. Many posts are written just to get a post out, not because someone has something to say, and ergo they don't have any actual readers who are interested, since the author themselves was not actually interested. On a normal social network, there are more consumers than creators, and here it's the opposite. When I tell people about Hive, inevitably they say "I wouldn't know what to write about" because they perceive it as not another social network, but get-paid-for-blogging. I try and tell them you can just read and vote and comment like usual, but they're not interested in the content here. So when people here aren't getting a lot of attention, they get mad ("I commented on your stuff why didn't you return the favor") in a way they never would on YouTube or Instagram or TikTok or whatever. Nobody comments on like, a Charlotte Dobre video and then gets mad, "Charlotte, why didn't you comment back??"

Spot on! It's weird how the expectations are very different here.

If Hive could become somewhat like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and whatnot, where people comment on stuff, they would automatically get some kind of attention.
And the difference between YouTube and Hive would then be: get paid for commenting.

But…what makes you think people should care? I think even in real life mutual interest plays a role in our continued interactions. If someone I interact everyday is only interested in talking, but shows active disinterest in anything I have time say, how many more interactions do you think I’ll have with them? Based on your logic, I can assume you would say that this person doesn’t care, so I think the person you are talking about may be just saying that caring is a two way street. But I suppose you might be saying you are more important than other people so it’s natural that they should care about you and expect nothing in return? If commenting is caring, then this person was likely pointing out that you don’t seem to do much caring about the people who’ve showed up for you.


It's not about hive, I think the problem is from the individual in question.

Many people behave like this on the Hive blockchain, even if they do not write it down directly. They write comments to get attention to their own posts. The most obvious ones are the "nice post" comments. I am certain that you already saw at least one such comment.

Oh yes, I have seen such comments. I immediately don't take such a person seriously because chances are that they didn't even read the post before commenting such.