
80% (or even more) of the users on this platform are active bloggers. The number of the actual, real content consumers is much less. Meaningful comments are very rare.

There are a lot of accounts that are totally inactive.

Right now, my focus is to first get to by target of 100 active bloggers for the Busy Bees and then to work on consumers.

This is a project that I have been working on. First, I need a "product". I need a "content base".

If 80% of the users are active bloggers then refer some to Busy Bees please and I shall add them to the list!

Yes. Thousands of people left this platform in the previous years. But the 80% of the still active Hive users are active bloggers. Most people focus on their own posts. You can see many new blog posts in every minute.

@xplosive! @zakludick Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @zakludick.

(html comment removed: )

Good Morning..

Good morning🌞

Good morning friend 🙏

Hello there!

Very Good Morning 🌞