I have to show love to a WAX post. That was my entry point into web3. NFTopia is a cool event too. I was able to attend this one because I am traveling but I enjoyed the last one.
I was hoping to see this one because the new world looks cool but I had too much going on to log on. How did it go?
Many apologies for my lack of response and upvote and thanks for your comment! It's been some busy days and I totally forgot to check the notifications on this account. No excuse
Thanks for asking, it went really well! The new platform they're currently using, FrameVR is awesome. It allows for creating 3D exhibitions for exhibitors, among other cool features. Here's a screenshot of our exhibition booth:

We also had an AMA during the event which was recorded, which I'm going to post to 3speak soon (I've gotten permission from the NFTOPIA team).
Looking forward to see you at the next event! I believe it's scheduled for the end of January. In the meantime I'm gonna have to check out your account and show. 500+ episodes, that's amazing!
No worries... There are many platforms and notifications to keep track off. That's awesome!