First step to acquiring wealth...

in #wealth9 years ago

Once I understood this my paradigm shifted...
Learn the difference between an asset and a liability.
Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.
Have your money work for you, not you working for money, a fundamental
principle they dont teach us in school.

Second point: Our body needs exercise to stay strong, same as the muscle in our
mind if not exercised regularly we become lazy, and even worse average, be aware
what your feeding your mind because we become what we think about everyday.

On going personal development is sometimes overlooked.

Actively seeking out and reading/listening to information that someone has spent their
entire lives gaining, for you to be able to hold in your hands perhaps 30-40years of study
for the price of a fastfood, why...? I can sum it up like this

"You can have more than what you got, because you can become more than what you are".