
That's a good rule if you are an art expert but most people don't know until later and then find out it's done by a famous artist. You have some strange rules, who makes those dorky rules anyway?

I do, because I am not sheeple yet, LOL! I have seen good art, My Wife, Daughter, and Sister are very good artists. Some of the crap they call Art, is stunningly bad. But I know what I like, and what I do Not like. So why should I suffer over a picture That offends me, just because some stuffed shirt tells me it is "good"?


I don't know why you would do that but Okies are always doing things that makes me scratch my head!

Well, as long as you are confused, I am doing well, LOL!

I had a class on Art Appreciation, and I found that there are branches of art, that I don't like too much; while some art is stunning!


So you had one class and now you're an expert.

Nope, just more expert than a Texan, LOL!

Some of the reading I do covers art. AND I raised an artist, after marrying one....

I got a copy of "Starry Night" for My daughter for Christmas. She loves it, but I don't care for it myself. I got her an emerald ring so she'd have a real present too!


What kind of reading you do covers art? Have you watched any of the hearings?