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RE: The Old Dog Explains: What Is It Like To Work For Very Wealthy People? The Good, The Bad And The Really Cheap!

in #wealthy8 years ago

Interesting tales, as always!

I have never "worked for" extremely wealthy people, but quite a few were customers of my art gallery, back when I lived in Austin, Texas. I have also been friends/acquaintances with a couple of extremely wealthy people... of the kind that live in a world beyond anything we can imagine.

In my case, I'd say the "pretty decent" outnumber the unpleasant by about 2-to-1. My boarding school roommate was a good friend... he was about as "normal" as any of the other kids... aside from the helicopter coming to pick him up when his dad was in London.

The art gallery customers who were unpleasant were mostly what I'd call "new money;" high tech multimillionaries who somehow thought wealth meant they owned the whole world, and everyone in it.


Your comments are better than my articles and much appreciated! There are a lot of stories in your words and I'm sure that sooner or later they will spill out onto the "page"!

I'd love to read your recollections of boarding school. That's a far different life from what I experienced. I still remember the first story of yours that I read about fishing with your dad.