Where did all the rain go?

in #weather5 years ago


If you’ve looked up at the sky in recent years and wondered what happened to the abundant rainfall we used to have, you are not alone.

Today we shed light on a topic which humanity needs in order to survive,..... and it is fading away.

Rainfall is a necessary resource, without it our plants do not grow, and our water reserves for humans and animals run dry.

Many areas around the world are experiencing drought and extended dry seasons, turning vast landscapes into desert and barren land. The resulting crop devastation and increase in supplies water demands costs the world billions each year.

While these problems are not new to mankind, our generation has a unique disadvantage, in that we are not doing anything about it.

Why do we stand alone in this experience?

A lot has to do with our interpretation of history.
We often view civilizations of the past as being somehow lesser than ourselves. Either in knowledge, common sense, or scientific advancement, or some other justifications for our bias.

The truth is, the people that walked the earth before us were exactly the same as you and I.
They were no less intelligent or capable than any of us are today. In many ways, they were more advanced. We pride ourselves on advancements in electronics, and the sciences, but much of our current knowledge was built on a foundation of the very people we belittle. Their advancements in architecture and society and politics, put us all to shame.

Not to forget the reason all of our scientific and medical terminology is written in a language that we consider “dead”: most of the terms already existed, thousands of years ago.

Our biggest mistake is dismissing ancient traditions as being some sort of religious mythology, rather than a logical or scientific way
of living.

We know that our current society doesn’t intentionally make an effort to create rain. But what have other civilizations of the past done about the problem we currently face?

Native tribes of the americas that inhabited the Western world prior to our modern society are known for having taken explicit actions to create rain. Let’s take a look at what exactly they were doing:

So called “rain dances” came in many forms but they all have specific things in common.
We have large groups of people wearing long furred animal garments moving around for periods of time.

On a scientific level, we can determine this action causes the release of free ions into the atmosphere. Releasing free ions creates charged areas of air which induce opposite charges in areas of air moving by. This is the very action that occurs in the atmosphere when rain occurs.

Charged air groups will attract oppositely charged air groups and combine into a larger air group. These air groups do not mix thoroughly and so establish a polarized group of charged air with one charge primarily gathering on one side and an opposite charge gathering on the other.

This is only possible because there is a dominant charge influencing the atmosphere. That is the charge of the earth, which is ionically positive.
In electronics we call this the negative side of the battery or “ground”.

In theory, the creation of free ions in the wind could cause vertical air currents. That is, areas of air with a negative charge will flow downwards and areas of air with a positive charge will flow upwards.

This is an exact scientific model of rain storm formation!

Is it possible that rain dances actually worked?
Surprisingly, yes.

It is “possible”, provided there were enough people wearing enough surface area of static inducing garments moving around for a long enough time, to produce a localized rain event.

Ok, so what did other civilizations do to create rain?

In parts of Africa, we find many different cultures that lit fires to cause rain. What does this do?

Well, any time we have a change in temperature, there is a change in Energy in the air particles around it. From the condensation on your cold glass of refreshment to water evaporating off a surface or even a flame, any change in temperature causes a change in energy which begins the ionic process. So yes again, these rituals can be linked to scientific evidence of the potential to cause a rain event.

In Chine we find an advancement upon this technology, with the inclusion of water vapor added to the fire during the rainmaking procedure.

In Thailand, a wet cat was placed in a wicker basket. While inhumane, this act does have Ion producing effects.

In Romania an electrostatic capacitor was made of clay wrapped with cloth, and moved around the village to accumulate a charge.
This was then buried in the ground.
A charged object, such as this, could create a charge separation in the air which could possibly lead to formation of rain clouds.

In the Balkans, a specific plant was used which, similar to the cat, can induce ionic charges, especially when wet.

In Zimbabwe we find examples of groups of people dancing in sackcloth under particular types of trees inducing similar ionic effects.

In Kenya there are many examples of large furry animals walked around the area creating charges in the air.
In one procedure, a child is kidnapped from a nearby tribe, wrapped in fur and buried or restrained so as to induce a struggle. This act, while also inhumane, produces similar effects.

A tribe in Kitui is known for making a tea, from the leaves of a plant with a high ionic potential.
This tea is then poured into a reservoir and another filled with normal water. This action, again, creates a charge separation in the air.

Tribes in South Africa are known to have placed the horns of particular animals in areas of high wind creating ionic effects.

So we see, that in every example of ancient rain making procedures, there can be found the same scientific principles at work. And these are the very same principles that Mother Earth uses to create storms naturally.

Of course it isn’t realistic or feasible to invoke ancient rain making rituals in today’s world, but what can we do to affect rainfall in modern times?

The most effective action would be to boycott dryersheets and fabric softeners. With billions of clothes dryers worldwide, this would produce a tremendous amount of free ions.

Fires are another way, from candles and fireplaces, to backyard fire pits and campfires, open flames produce free ions at a fast rate.
In nature the sun and lightning cause natural fires which contribute to a major percentage of rain making factors. Changes in temperature cause changes in energy in the air around it.

By our choice of clothing, we can effectively perform “rain dances” while we walk around in our everyday lives, without having to devote time and effort to the ceremony.

Planting trees and plants is also a very effective method of creating rainfall. Plants not only create shade, but prevent evaporation of

Most importantly, being aware and spreading awareness will help us get back in touch with nature and help to heal our planet.

The process is exponential, as plants begin to regrow, they absorb solar energy and reverse climate change back into climate stability.
This causes differences in temperature within the atmosphere, and causes the rain the plants need to survive.

Free ions are key to our survival.

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