Howdy Forward Thinkers-
Today is December 21st, 2016...the shortest day and longest night of the is also the first day of winter!
I moved up North to Michigan from Los Angeles in Southern California...and one of the things I have noticed since I have been here, are the days are much longer during the spring and summer months than the days during the fall and winter. I could not believe how much sunshine there was in was light out from before 7am till after 9pm...and today it was light out a little before 8am and dark just after 5pm...more than 5 hours less of sunshine.
Seeing the seasons changes is something I have not really witness till this past year here in Detroit...truly a magnificent and majestic process to experience. I am looking forward to seeing this cycle many more times...and as I get accustom to the different knowledge and understanding of Mother Nature continues to grow and expand :-)
I connect to your post as an expat Angeleno though I moved a bit farther away... half way across the world actually. Still, my family is in LA and it is my home and, well...I simply like your post!
I appreciate you letting me know...what part of LA are your from and where did you move to?