Learning the web.

in #web7 years ago

Hello steemians!
Today i want to share some cool web learning helpers from Mozilla.org

MDN Web Docs

Resources for developers, by developers. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/

Mozilla Webmaker

Connect the things you love.
Capture, collect, and share with your friends. https://webmaker.org/?utm_source=directory-tiles&utm_medium=firefox-browser#/?_k=94lwgp

Web X-Ray Goggles : Remix Any Page on the

X-Ray Goggles makes it easy to see and remix the code behind your favorite web pages.
The best part: you don't need any prior coding experience! Just activate Goggles, click on a section,
and edit. Then, share your remixes with others. https://goggles.mozilla.org/

Thimble : Write the Web On the Web

Thimble is an online code editor that makes it easy to create and publish your own web pages while learning HTML, CSS & JavaScript. https://thimble.mozilla.org/en-US/?ref=webmaker.org

If you can, support Mozilla :)
They do awesome work to make the world a better place for everybody.
:) :) :)