Moringa The Tree of Life. tree with many vitamins and minerals

in #website7 years ago

The moringa oleífera, pertaining to the family of the Moringaceae; It is a tree native to the north of India, known for its extensive healing properties and also for its ability to adapt to any terrain, even to the shortage of vital liquid. There are 13 Moringa species, but the Moringa oleifera is the best known and used variety.
In the world it is known by several names; bequeta tree, tree Ben, tree of pearls, miraculous tree, tree of life, among others.
The moringa plant is characterized by its rapid growth, it can measure; once adult, between 10 and 12 meters high. In the first year grows from 3 to 5 meters, with scattered branches and a dense dark green foliage, rounded leaves and flowers that appear generally at 7 months, which are very fragrant and valued by bees, including man, since it is edible and in fact, in Asian countries; The menu made with these is very coveted.

The moringa plant is characterized by its rapid growth, it can measure; once adult, between 10 and 12 meters high. In the first year grows from 3 to 5 meters, with scattered branches and a dense dark green foliage, rounded leaves and flowers that appear generally at 7 months, which are very fragrant and valued by bees, including man, since it is edible and in fact, in Asian countries; The menu made with these is very coveted.
The fruits are in the form of pods up to almost a meter in length, reach full maturity at 90 days from the origin of the flower. The wood is special for the production of paper, since it contains enough cellulose, but not in the manufacture of furniture because of its softness.

Very resistant to drought, but vulnerable to excess water and extreme cold, Moringa, facing these adversities the moringa has a self-protection system that leaves the leaves to somehow minimize the damage it may cause, and then they sprout again when conditions are favorable.
"The miraculous plant", named for having a host of healing qualities, has been introduced to several countries such as; Paraguay, Peru, Brazil, some areas of the United States, Afghanistan, etc.
This species is becoming known as a first-rate resource with very low production costs, to avoid the diseases associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which is why it is being promoted for worldwide cultivation and use.

The properties of the "miraculous plant" are innumerable, they began to gain fame thanks to the use of this plant by some institutions dedicated to the fight against hunger in areas of extreme poverty.
According to organisms related to agriculture and health this plant contains an immensity of nutritional and healing properties that with a daily portion a day could provide all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Some of them are:
· Anti-inflammatory
· Analgesic
· Anti-asthmatic
· Anti-anemic
· Purifier
· Protector of the liver
· Anti-hypertensive
· Hormone producer
· Helps hair growth
· Moisturizer
· Mobilizer of body fluids (homeostatic)
· Detoxifier
· Strengthener of muscles and bones
· Improves mental alertness, memory and learning ability, etc.
The leaves of moringa have a large amount of nutrients, also its production is very low cost, for which consumption is recommended to avoid some diseases (cited above), caused by vitamin deficiency
A study carried out by the FAO certifies the moringa plant as a tree that could be used in campaigns against malnutrition thanks to its protein content that is equal to the egg and twice as much as milk, its significant doses of calcium and also It contains iron, phosphorus and potassium and if this were not enough, it also contains vitamin A and C.
The properties of the plant native to India, and of which its cultivation is known in many parts of the planet, were recently endorsed by the state Institute of Innovation in Biotechnology and Industry (IIBI), which examined moringa grown in the province of Puerto Plata (north).
According to the organism, moringa has higher nutrients compared to other foods, highlighting that its fresh or dehydrated leaves have a higher level of vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium and proteins, while its seed contains all the vitamins of the complex B in large quantities.
The IIBI confirmed what was said by universities and international laboratories that give the plant more nutritious properties than milk, bananas, meats, and most fruits and vegetables, among other foods.
"This plant, for its nutritional potential, is a resource of the first order, to combat malnutrition and multiple pathologies, such as childhood blindness, associated with vitamin deficiencies and essential elements in the diet," said the agency.
The most enthusiastic local defenders of the plant, which belongs to the Moringaceae family, talk about its usefulness in the treatment of cancer, diabetes and other ailments such as blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol reduction.

The Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), the only public institution in the country, has been developing a study about moringa for six months, the results of which compare with previous samples from universities in Japan and Mexico.
source: Félix Rodríguez Toledo


Nice post. Good information.

thank you very much