How to Increase Website Traffic Effectively

in #website7 years ago

In today's world, where online marketing is one of the most effective ways of bringing your business to the attention of target customers, it is imperative to build traffic to your website. A website that lacks traffic can be an absolute disaster that can damage your business severely. Among the various methods available to increase traffic to your website, some might be extremely expensive while others free. You must choose the most appropriate option based on your requirements and priorities.
How to Increase Website Traffic Effectively - 3 Simple Free Traffic Tips You Can Use Now!
Every single person in the online business needs traffic, and not just any traffic, but high quality targeted traffic to penetrate into the targeted market.
"How to increase website traffic" has become a question that never fails to be asked.
Here are 3 highly effective simple tips on how to increase free web traffic that you can use straight away:

  1. Write high-quality articles & submit into the top 5 article directories
    Remember that content is king! And there's no way to go about around this.
    Write an article that is meant for real people to read, not machines!
    Only focus on the top 5 article directories because those are the websites that have significant traffic.
    Try it yourself! Submit your article to those hundreds of article directories in the net and track where your traffic is coming from! Let me know what kind of results you'll be getting!
  2. Convert the articles into audio format and submit them into the top 5 podcast & video directories
    This method is not only effective; it's very efficient!
    If you've spent a long time into writing a high-quality article on the net, why stop there?
    To ensure that your article is being exposed to more people is not by submitting them to more article directories, but convert them into other forms and submit them into the relevant top directories for those forms.
  3. Convert the articles into video format and submit them into the top 5 podcast & video directories
    It is the same concept from before, but surprisingly, not many people follow through these last 2 tips even if they have done the first one.
    This last tip may present the steepest challenge out of the 3, but it also has the highest reward!
    Did you know that YouTube has become the 2nd largest search engine? It has become even larger than all the other search engines that compete with Google.
    Therefore, chances are, if people are not looking for you in Google, people may be looking for you on YouTube!
    And since if you are interested in building traffic, it's likely that you're also interested in converting your visitors into leads. Statistically, websites with videos have a higher conversion rate than websites without!
    So keep the big rewards in mind and tell yourself to make a video for your internet business NOW!

Web traffic is quite demanding. It's so challenging and requires a hardworking and dedicated person.

I know nothing about this. Am afraid of even trying it out. It seriously failed one of my close friends. Too bad he invested a lot in it and got nothing in return.

I am a guru in this. You can have me as your coach and you will definitely love it.

Web traffic is quite deserving. It's so challenging and requires a hardworking and dedicated person.

Nice article. A lot of information is here. Thank you so much from

These tips are perfect. I will try them on my blog. Cheers!

I preserve my comment for now. My friends performed so poorly when he tried this out.

@mikeguru thanks for the share, these strategies are working out.