Married Is Worship

Companion Of My Life

Marriage is a marriage ceremony binding ceremony that is celebrated or executed by two people with the intention of formalizing marriage bonds by religious norms, legal norms, and social norms. The wedding ceremony has many variations and variations according to tribal, religious, cultural, and social class.

  1. Understanding according to etymology

Based on Al-Qur'an and Hadith, marriage is called comes from the word an-nikh and azziwaj which means through, stepping on, walking on, up, and berenggema or intercourse. On the other hand marriage also comes from the term Adh-dhammu, which has the meaning of summarizing, uniting and gathering and friendly attitude. as for marriage derived from the word aljam'u which means collect or collect. Marriage in the term of fiqh is called (زواج), (نكاح) both derived from Arabic. The marriage in Arabic has two meanings (الوطء والضم) both the essential meaning (الضم) ie overlapping or coinciding and meaning in the metaphor (الوطء) ie covenant or intercourse.

2.Understanding According to the Terms

The meaning of marriage in terms of each fikh scholars have their own opinions, among others:

Hanafiyah scholars interpret marriage as a contract that makes marriage make a man able to own and use women including all members of his body to gain a satisfaction or pleasure.
Shafi'iyah scholars mention that marriage is a contract by using the pronunciation ح حاككنن, or ك ز ك وا ح ج, which means marriage causes the couple to get kesenanagn.
Malikiyah scholars say that marriage is a contract or agreement made to get satisfaction without the price paid.
Hanabilah cleric mentions that marriage is akad by using pronunciation ان ن ن ك كا ح ح or ك ن ن و ن ح ج which means marriage makes men and women can have satisfaction with each other.
Saleh Al Utsaimin, argues that marriage is a relationship between men and women with the intention that each can enjoy the other and to form a godly family and build a clean society
Muhammad Abu Zahrah in his book al-ahwal al-syakhsiyyah, explained that marriage is a contract which resulted in male and female partners being lawful in doing the dance and the existence of rights and obligations between the two.
Basic Legal Marriage

As with any other worship, marriage has a legal basis which makes it advisable to be practiced by Muslims. The basic law of marriage based on Al Qur'an and Hadith is as follows:

O all men, fear your Lord Who created you from one by one, and from him God created his wife; and of them God has multiplied many men and women. and fear Allah who by His name you ask one another, and (nurture) the relationship of silaturrahim. Allah always guards and keeps watch over you. (Q.S. An-Nisaa ': 1).

"And marry those who are alone among you, and the righteous (married) of your male slaves and your female servants. if they are poor God will enable them with His grace. and Allah is All-Knowing (His grace) again Knowing. "(Q.S.An-Nuur: 32)

And among His signs is He created for you wives of your own kind, that ye may be secure and inclined unto them, and made them of you compassion and love. Verily in that are Signs indeed for people who think ". (Q.S. Ar-Ruum: 21).

"O youths, any of you who have the ability to marry, let him marry; because married more subdued the view and more keep the genitals. As for anyone who has not been able to marry, let him fast; because fasting is a damper (syahwat) it ".

a. Rukun Nikah

Rukun wedding is something that must exist in the implementation of marriage, including:

  1. Candidate bride and groom
  2. Guardian of the bride
  3. Two witnesses
  4. Ijab kabul a sighat marriage that is spoken by the guardian of the women and answered by the prospective bridegroom.

b. Marital Requirements

The terms of each of the pillars is

  1. Prospective husband with the following conditions

a. Be Muslim
b. Male Sex
c. There is either a person or a clear identity
d. Agreed to get married
e. Has no obstacles to getting married


Pretty cool man.

Thank you

every woman would want to get married


Verry good
