Believe you can and you're halfway there. (Theodore Roosevelt)

One of the biggest challenges in life is believing that you are capable of things. When I play football, one of the biggest challenges is actually believing that I am capable of getting past an opponent. If I don’t, then I will immediately try to get rid of the ball and pass it back to some other player, because in my head, I am not capable of getting past an opponent.

Source: Bing DEsigner

But, if I manage to change my mindset, I might actually be capable, and as a result, I will give it a try. That doesn’t mean for sure that I will succeed, but without the faith, it can be said 100% for sure that I will not even try.

That is why the quote explains that believing that you are capable is actually taking you already halfway. Without it, you will not even start. Of course, you need skills as well to accompany that faith, but there are unfortunately lots of people out there with lots of skills, but they lack the faith. And as you watch TV programs such as X-Factor, you also see those who have faith, but no skills.

So, you probably get what I mean… but you need faith, because without it, nobody will ever really get the chance to see and enjoy your talent!