After a few weeks without posting a #wednesdayhouse track I'm stoked to get back on board with this one from PNAU.
When I first arrived in Australia back in 2011 I heard a house track by them on the radio, which at the time blew my mind since it was a rarity to hear any house on popular radio stations back in the UK unless it was a dedicated night of it with Judge Jules or Pete Tong. This one was released by them over a year ago, but I only heard it back in September on a trip to the Gold Coast.
Enjoy the stabs, synths and bounciness of this 90's esqe bomb! Sick vocals and video edit too!
Current Projects:
rePhoto - A photography based automated service
Shorebreaksessions - A water based wave photography series
Steemithousemix - The first steemit blockchain community house mix project
Shadowbot - A community reward pool effort with constant development and updates
Great track - thanks 4 sharing! :-)
A proper feel good vibe ey!?