I do have a beautiful place in which to take my walks. There is a park that is attached to the end of the neighborhood which is acres and Acres of wild land, the walkways making it easier 2 get around.
Right now is the perfect time of year where everything is green and beautiful and blooming. Where there once was brown is now full of color and beauty. If I could live in this state forever. If only. The pond he's right outside my window so there is an easy access to it. It has fish in it and so people do fish there. I think once upon a time it was a stocked pond because this was once a farm and I believe the farmers stalked it and would feed his family with the fish. Overtime it has multiplied so now they no longer stock it, but there are plenty of fish in it. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind words!
As always I hope you have a most wonderful night!
Thank you and I wish you all the best!
It is the most wonderful place to ride that I have seen so far! I'm so glad you're so close to it, you deserve it because you know how to enjoy every part of it.
I like to fish, I rarely do it and I am an atypical fisherman. I like to fish only in places where nature and landscape are beautiful ...
I would like to fish in the pond near your home!