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RE: Wednesday Walk in Living Color

in #wednesdaywalk6 years ago

I thank you so much for your always kind and generous words.

Thank God the letter box is closed so she couldn't make her nest there but she did take over the newspaper part of it for the better part of three years now. I really don't mind and it's kind of funny when I go to get the mail oh, she just sits there and looks at me and after I leave she flies away. Anyway, the eggs are laid and I expect any day now for little swallows to be popping out. The Dove family that build their nest in one of my flower baskets on the porch didn't take any time to grow up and fledge. I don't think they even have their license yet. L o l

As usual, I hope that you have a most wonderful day and that you were taking advantage of this most spring-like day. I hear that it's going to be a hot weekend!



OHh Ok its the newspaper part, now that makes more sense to me I was a little confused, but then again that is not unusual LOL
Will be cool seeing them hatch and grow and then fly away

Ohh yes it was such a lovely day I did sneak in a walk after lunch, and so wanted to play hookey and not go back I must admit, but I did the adult thing and went back to work

Perhaps I didn't explain it very well, but yes, it is in the newspaper part. We just dashed off the doves that were in a flower basket on the porch.

They took no time in hatching, growing and fledging. Wow!

Oh, yes, it was absolutely perfect out! Hookey sounds better and better to me every day! Sigh...

But, yes. As long as I am on the payroll. I gotta keep going!

Yeah we gotta do what we got to do it’s going to be another one of those days I want to play hookey but no early meetings so I will go fir a walk somewhere in the city at this stage I have no idea where.
Any suggestions?
Have a great day
Ps you probably did explain it well and I missed it 🤔


I am partial to the likes of St. Patrick's Cathedral, which will be open for the lunchtime walk. The view of it in its entirety is spectacular. Well, you know that.

The other place that might be different is going down to the Chelsea neighborhood, which actually runs from maybe 15th to 43rd street, more or less... but the Historic District (20th to 22nd St. between 8th and 10th Ave)has architecture from the 1800s. Chelsea was NYC first theater district, did you know that. There are remnants of it. The Chelsea Hotel used to be a writers haven and I guess you could call it a landmark and I haven't been there in a while, but love the Pier down there. You can grab the subway and head to the Hudson Yards. (Never thought I would send you to the Meatpacking District, eh?

I am a huge fan of their architecture so you would find me wandering, head looking up into the clouds.

I do plan on going back to St Patricks, but at Midday it can be so crowded and you know i hare crowds, plus I did not bring in my wider lens today so will save that for another day when it’s cloudy and not so nice

I d love the Chelsea area and have not been there for a while another area i must revisit, The Chelsea Hotel was all surrounded din with scaffolding and such last timeI saw it it would be good to see how it was then

Most Likely I will just do a walk around Midtown, I want to stick to the one hour max for lunch and a walk, so I can get out early LOL

How about the FlatIron District? I love that building and the area's architecture?

Or the NY Public Library? That is a photographers dream inside there.

Both great ideas I think it’s going to end up being a quick lunch in the office its all going crazy here today :( my plans for today are all flying right out the window LOL