You live in a very beautiful place! I love these walks u take. And the chickens!!!! My friend in GJ that runs a pitbull rescue, she just rescued a rooster that someone dumped in the desert. TG for her! 😒 Why someone would do that... it's just evil. Ty for your gorgeous posts! 😊
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Hiiiiiya Luanne, thanks so much for stopping by! We have people dump roosters around here too, there was a pack of them running wild around Peggy's Cove lighthouse, no one wants roosters, but they should just man up and take care of them instead of making it someone elses problem. Lord knows we've had our share of rooster stews!!
Yeah...I know they can be a pain! I agree though. Don't get chickens if ya can't handle the roosters. It's heartbreaking how cruel humans can be though.

Here's a pic of the rooster they took in
And this is a pic of Peanut the runt they have that's become a family pet and her boy's best bud (they take her into the house at night n crate her so she's safe even)

And her house is apparently very popular with the pets cause even her goats come to the door! Lol
And she had someone post this tee to her FB and it reminded me of you too! If you wanna order it lemme know n I'll get ya the link.

You 2 have alot in common. I should suggest you as friends to each other. If ya want, lemme know! 😊👍😁❤️🦋