The long long
driveway. Anyone seen
the long long trailer?
This morning's light
and long shadows
before the next storm.
Triple trio trees
World Weather Map
The weather has been up
and down. Blood moon
night it was +5° F, a few
days later it is +40° F
awesome imperial,
metric system info.
And lots of other
goodies!@redheadpei has a
Moose prints
old and new.
The giant mushroom
is hibernating.
The two small
photos are from
last winter and fall.
Old and new
tire tracks melting out.
Even the tire is
on the bare ground
and real liquid water!
Looking the other
way, I should heat up
this burning barrel
melt some more snow!
Free grate I got
this at the dump lol
Hard to get these things.
Some oil gas crew left it in
the good pile to the side.
I nabbed it soon as I
seen what he was
throwing away.
It has grippers
built in, no slip to walk
on and wipe your boots.
I got two of them! :-)
January 23rd 2019 5:55 PM Alaska
Thanks for sharing, really nice picture!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you! :-)
You make the cold look so delightful almost, I love the three images with the infrared like one in the middle that is so cool
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk !tip
It can look real nice when sitting in a
warm room viewing cold photos haha
But without wind +40 was almost a
heatwave after the +5 while out there.
The middle one was a negative of the
colored one, some look real trippy
when changed to that!lol thank you so much @tattoodjay! :-)
a lot of folks love it!Thank you for having the #wednesdaywalk
Of course it’s a negative I had a brain fade and yes snow looks better out the window from a warm room LOL
We are having an almost heatwave today it’s going up to 55 today
Trippy times! We usually say wait 5 minutes
or drive 5 miles and it will change lol
Its been a bit like that hear the temps bouncing all over the place LOL
Beach Wednesday Enjoying A Summers Days At The Beach@tattoodjay wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @tattoodjay if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)
🎁 Hi @shasta! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @tattoodjay!Thank you very much @tattoodjay! @tipu!
love the triple trio trees and mushroom summer/winter photos. great #wednesdaywalk @shasta
That mushroom is about 11'' inches across! lolThank you very much @steven-patrick! :-)
I see that #wintermas is continuing where you live 😮
So glad we don't have all that here!
Lovely pics, though! great job!
Went from +5 to +40, rain, ice snow mix, slick
ice abounds, I need some moose shoes haha
I see you are in Kittylandia! not sure where
that is, but it sounds real nice! 🐱Thank you so much @thekittygirl! There is a wild mix of #wintermas today! :-)
Great photos. Your winter scenery looks a lot like what i have here. U&RThanks @shasta for the mention of my post on the Metric System.
I'm not sure I will ever understand the
other way tho, but you made it easier to
do so! Having some weather mix today
here, warmed up to 40's and very slippery
after the rain on ice!
Thank you very much for the U&R!You are most welcome ❤ @redheadpei! :-)
Welcome Shasta. ❤️. 40F would be a little over 4C. Formula (40°F − 32) × 5/9 = 4.44C.
Anything above freezing (32 Fahrenheit or 0 Celsius ) sounds good to me. 😊
Howdy there shasta! Real liquid water huh? haha, a rarity this time of year up there. Is that the road in front of your house or is that your driveway? Do they keep the roads pretty clear up there?
Yep that is the long long driveway haha
They do do for the most part a excellent
job on the roads up here keeping them
driveable. Sometimes they could sand
a little sooner and sometimes they
sand to much, woo is it dusty in spring
when they are cleaning it up.
They plow the snow, scrape the ice
and grove the ice so it has some traction.
With the rain on ice this week it has been
bad, seen quite a few ditch divers!Good evening @janton! :-)
howdy shasta! oh how interesting, they cut grooves in the ice so it has some traction! I didn't know that. I assume they don't use salt up there?
Will have to find my groovy photos lol
Alaska DOT winter road map
also Maintenance & Operations
has some information.
Use to have some other site with
more detailed info.
Howdy there shasta! Thank you, that is very interesting. is the weather still rather mild for this time of year? Maybe the volcanoes are heating things up!
Today it rained, sleeted and then its snowing now :-)
howdy today shasta! oh I hate it when that happens because then the ice is under everything. well, I'm sure you guys are used to it all!
The Long Long Trailer! Now that is a must-see for every rockhound. Lucky find with those metal grates! I can see where they would come in very handy. I have an old set of rusty steps that are made out of that material and I have them on my back deck and use them as a plant stand in the summertime. Yours look like they are made out of stainless though. Bonus.
Totally! She is so funny with them rocks!
Going up and down that mountain was a hoot!
The grate is stainless steel we think lol
Now stamps or feather collections would be
way lighter than rocks and books eh! :-)
But rocks and books keep us well anchored, right.?They are much more grounding than stamps!
Totally! And they keep the house held
down in big winds and earthquakes! lol
We were talking about stamps the other
day, wondering if there are still stamp
collectors. Might be some stamps with
rocks on them! :-)
My mom has been buying sheets of stamps for my nephew since he was 8 years old. Now in his late 20s he had quite the collection.... And then his house burned to the ground. Chances are I could have sifted thru and found many of my rocks.
Yikes, need some them Flintstone stamps
they had everything made of stone!
The rocks might need some cleaning and some
may snap crackle pop from the heat, but
I bet we could find them forsure! :-)