Well I am glad you were not mushroom blind to finding these they are such an interesting shape and color :)
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk it is truly appreciated
Well I am glad you were not mushroom blind to finding these they are such an interesting shape and color :)
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk it is truly appreciated
Thank you JJ :)
The "young" morel, which I have found accidently on the walking path, I have shown you in a comment a few days ago, when you posted your fungi. This time I only had to find that place again and hope that some of the mushrooms are still there ;)
If it was me I probably never would have found the spot on my next visit
You would have found it, believe me: The same path beside the river/reservoir I often walk, and the place is right at the path - some mushrooms are even grown on the path ;)
I would not bet on it I walked the mondo pond trails three Times recently in a row the first loop I had my long macro lens in and saw some small flowers and decided to get shots of them in the second loop with my macro lens and notes the spot on the two next loops for the life of me I could not find them
The flowers simply did not want to be photographed and hid behind a tree :)
I have experienced such too, because sometimes when I walk I also see something I want to photograph later when I'm on my way back, and then I cannot find it. Sometimes I just cannot see the flower, because of the opposite angle when I walk back ;)
I came to two conclusions either the flowers were shy, of one of the dogs walking around the trails looked a bit shady and dug then up lOL
Glad it doesnt happen to just me :)
You are not alone my friend :)