How cool is that? The eye is perfect for that mean looking whale. I wonder how long it took to carve it. Sure hope you don't need a boat any time soon and wishing you nothing but clear, blue skies @shasta.
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Oh my what a eye lol
Sure might need a boat it has been dumping
again, I'm not sure where it all goes lol
Hope to catch chainsaw man carving some
new goodies, seems I've seen him out even
in winter on nice days, 6 letter word lol
You know we were both on each others
posts earlier! ❤Thank you 💕 @whatisnew! :-)
Sorry to hear that you need the boat. The chainsaw man...HaHa!...sounds like a Halloween character. Yuck! Another word that I hate.
I have noticed that we are on each others post at the same time a lot. Mental telepathy? : )
Which word? lol
I've noticed that too quite a few times! :-)
I would vote then think of a comment and look
back and go WHOA!!
We found a few more characters recently
around town ;-)
Characters as in wood carvings or characters as in moose and critters?