The wheel of Terpenes
Have you ever noticed the subtle flavors of cannabis?
The occasional lemon flavor, a citrus flavor, a pine flavor? The smell of diesel gasoline?
Sometimes its the smell of the earth, or a sweet candy flavor?
What you are smelling are the "terpenes"
Here is the wikipedia on what terpenes are
Educate yourself real quick!
So basically terpenes are the essential oils that plants secrete !
Now that we understand what terpenes are we can start to identify how they show up in the cannabis world!
I have included below one of the examples of :
The Wheel Of Terpenes
This wheel is From the
There are many others that vary, but Leafly includes boiling points, so thats extra and exciting!
Now I am a seasoned cannabis user, however I am still a beginner when it comes to trying to consume the strain of cannabis depending on what i feel or need.
I mean I sativa in the morning, hybrid in the afternoon, and Indica at night but beyond that not so much......
Its some Jedi shit if you can really get it right.
So now my fellow tokers I challenge you to stick your nose in the bag, close your eyes and realize there is more to Cannabis than just the high.
This is an incredibly nuanced and complex plant with sooooo many different strains and benefits.
What Strain and Terpenes do you guys like?
Let me know!
Today we celebrate the sweet sweet smell of Cannabis!
Much Love, stay stoney
Sharing and very good post! Also following you!
Yes! Thank you! Much Love!
Thank you maybe one day we can blaze it together!
Most Def . Holla if you’re in Cali!