Best For The Last...

in #weedcash6 years ago (edited)

<p><center><em>Hello stoners! <p><center><em>Buddy came to visit me to spend some time on Saturday night. We drank wine with sparkling water, listened to music on youtube, cracks jokes ... Having a good time. I know alcohol and weed is not the best combination, but fu.k it ... I live in a small town and unfortunately, there is not always a good indica on the ''market''. But homemade sativa is like... Not on my wishlist... <p><center> <p><center><img src="" alt="20190817_235547.jpg" /> <p><center><em>The skuff I had accumulated in my grindle for a few months did a great job. I wish I had more. <p><center><img src="" alt="20190817_235507.jpg" /> <p><center><img src="" alt="20190818_135625.jpg" /> <p><center><em>Now the grindle is empty but my loungs was full, and like B-Real says - <a href="
in mambrane''... <hr /> <h2><center>Till next time... Smoke on... <hr /> <p><center>