I lost a lawsuit today. 11 years ago I was not doing well. I got money from the state. but due to revision I had to pay back a year. And that came to about 10,000 euros. At that time I was not doing well either, I was on drugs and where should I get it from. But in the Netherlands we have a debt restructuring and because I had little choice, I opted for it.
It took me 3 years and it was paid back but I was still under that regime. I do volunteer work but after about 6 years I was tired of that too. so I went to paid work, I did that for 2 and a half years. Then my dad died. And I couldn't concentrate on work anymore. Plus conona came on. And to this day they promote working at home. So what did I do I started a webshop. But because I still can't decide on my own money. i can't open a business account. What I need again for a webshop. so I had to go to court. But that was rejected today because I have no work. and therefore no income. My mother was sitting next to me and she said she was helping me financially. But that was not enough.
I feel defeated. but I'm still going to appeal. This judge was not there for me. But for a system that keeps people trapped in poverty. my confidence in a fair rule of law has been violated. I don't know who can help me or what else I can do. But for now I'm going to smoke a lot of weed and a fat middle finger to the right and that fucking system.
In dutch
ik heb vandaag een rechtzaak verloren. 11 jaar geleden ging het niet goed met mij. ik kreeg geld van de staat. maar door herziening moest ik een jaar terug terug betalen. En dat kwam neer op ongeveer 10.000 euro. Op dat moment ging het met mij ook niet goed ik zat aan de drugs en waar moest ik het vandaan halen. Maar in nederland hebben we een schuldsanering en omdat ik wijnig keuze had koos ik er voor.
Ik heb er 3 jaar over gedaan en het was terug betaald maar ik zat nog steeds onder dat bewind. Ik deet vrijwilligers werk maar na een jaar of 6 was ik dat ook beu. dus ging ik betaald werken dat heb ik ook 2 en een half jaar gedaan. Toe ging me pa dood. En ik kon me niet meer concentreren op t werk. Plus conona kwam op zetten. En tot de dag van vandaag promoten ze thuis werken. Dus wat deed ik ik begon een webshop. Maar omdat ik nog steeds niet over me eigen geld mag beslissen. kan ik geen zakelijke rekenig openen. Wat ik weer nodig heb voor een webshop. dus ik moest via de rechter. Maar dat was dus vandaag afgewezen omdat ik geen werk heb. en dus geen inkomen. Me moeder zat naast me en die zij dat ze me financiel bijstaat. Maar dat was niet genoeg.
Ik voel me verslagen. maar ik ga nog in beroep. Deze rechter was er niet voor mij. Maar voor een systeem wat mensen gevangen houd in armoede. mijn vertrouwen in een eerlijke rechtstaat is geschonde. Ik weet niet wie me kan helpen of wat ik verder kan doen. Maar voor nu ga ik flink wiet roken en een dikke middelvinger naar de rechter en dat klote systeem.
One chubby finger from me too..
& sending lots of love your way..
lots of love back
They are psychopaths.
Lots of encouragement @loonatic, I'm sure you'll get over it and be able to open the webshop soon and I'll be there to see it.
the webshop is already there www.weedcashstore.eu but paying out is difficult. but my brother had already offered to take a business number and that I will do it through him. But they make it unnecessarily difficult. I want to earn my money honestly, but if I have to, I will find a way
fuckthelaw 10% off as code on my site lol
I know, I visited it a couple of months ago and I don't know if I registered, but the plasma burner caught my attention.
It seems to me that you have sold one, do you have any available? ;)
yess bro
Well tomorrow I confirm order, fuckthelaw!!!!!!
I throw in all sorts of extra things so I would definitely do it
Sorry man. Does crypto help you out in any way so the government can keep their hands off?
yes crypto gives freedom. Just like cannabis jewelry gold and diamonds and art. But I also have a little hope for the next lawsuit. I can still fight it and it's probably just about money. But these are Nazi practices that you have to work for before you regain your freedom. Plus I have proven myself for so many years that I am not in weird debt. And in the Netherlands it is still the case that they have to prove their guilt. and I don't have to prove my innocence
I wish you luck on your appeal man! Don't let this tear you down.
am down broken but I will get up. And find new ways ๐ช๐คฃ๐
I got 2 middle fingers for the law... plus a dick they can suck
Lots of these people are pricks and douchebags, there's only a few good people.