This post is a response to "Do you think it is possible for machines to completely replace humans in any way?" posed by @stonemasoner
I do not think it is possible for machines to completely replace humans. I believe that machines will soon be able to do things that humans are able to do, just in a more efficient way, but I think they will be more supplemental as opposed to replacing humans altogether.
Why do I think this?
I think this because, although every sci-fi movie ever created shows machines/robots as having the ability to "wake up," so to say and choose to no longer be ruled by humans and take over, this is not possible. Machines must be programmed in order to do things, the idea that they can evolve and realize their potential and take over is not a legitimate possibility. However, the amount of times we have seen it in movies really affects how we view them, and this is why we are afraid of this being a very real possibility. Not only that, but most machines are programmed to do one thing really, really well. For example, I saw a machine that can be placed in a restaurant that can flip burgers and help cook food really well. It has been programmed to do that, and that alone, so it does not really have the ability to be as versatile as a human. Yes, I do think that the advancement of machines will lead to a difference in jobs and a robot/machine being able to do something better than a human can. However, I think that it will be more of a relationship of the human and the machine working together, as opposed to the machine taking over and making the human essentially worthless and incapable of doing anything. Machines are reliant on humans to create them and program them, and as long as they continue to advance, humans will continue to advance alongside them and create new markets for things - as has happened for all of history.