Week 13 Response - Understanding the Difference between Political and Market Entreprenuers

in #week-133 years ago

"What are some current issues created by subsidies?" - @stonemasoner

There are many issues with subsidies in the United States. First of all, subsidies are meant to be this "good" idea that helps keep prices low and provides people with jobs. While they do accomplish this to a certain degree, there are also many "unseen" consequences to this type of policy. For example, agriculture in the US is heavily subsidized, which is not necessarily a good thing. This has allowed a few major corporations to control nearly all of America's food supply. There are major barriers to entry and there is no way that another company could compete without the subsidy.

While many may claim that subsidies are good because they help keep prices low, they may not see that Americans actually "pay" for these low prices with their tax dollars. With this in mind, it is also important to realize that nearly all subsidies go towards rich corporations. While I am not a proponent of high taxation for any income, I take serious issues with the fact that the government thinks it is okay to distribute tax dollars to the richest people in our nation.

In addition, some other harmful outcomes of subsidizing industries are that it can hurt foreign producers if the US producers decide to ship their goods abroad. There is no way a poor farmer from a 3rd world country can compete with the prices of a highly subsidized agricultural product from the US with such large economies of scale. Subsidies do not just take from the average worker and give to the rich, it also has the potential to ruin the livelihoods of individuals that do not even live with the United States.

Overall, subsidies are generally immoral because they force the average American to prop up certain industries with corporate welfare. It is essentially stealing from the average American to give to the rich and then wanting the average American to believe that they are being done a service by saving a few pennies on some commodity. Sadly, with the current state of the government, I do not see subsidies going away anytime in the future, but Americans can always vote and hope for the best.